It is by instinct that a judgement will appear when a man is in his survival mode. It is in fact inevitable to choose a side in order to live the most primary purpose of human life- 'to survive'.
Yet there is this habit to follow the judgement every now and then. A great philosopher once said,"It is a beautiful art to see things as they are without any kind of judgement." Maybe it is possible for few stages of our mind when we are unknowingly lingering in. Perhaps the reality is a sort of question- " Who decides our judgement?" Our perspective, our selfishness and our idea of defining things... maybe these are the judges of things we come across to choose. But it has all got only one angle and that's little bit or maybe more personal. What life we have been through , what we are struggling for , what is our quest ..... all these bases of judgement melt down most of the time in a single aspect of living and we call it 'Selfishness'. It is always 'what is in your benefit'.

Consider a case. There is this man named 'Marco' and he has a good supportive family. His wife and their only son. They have been living happily till one particular day when they all were kidnapped by a let's say a philosopher 'A' who is a psycho in the judgement of the world. 'A' has been studying 'selfishness' for so long that he had to experiment on the people which were extremely psychotic. After failing for so many times he decided to do a crazy experiment to get his issue proved and for that he kidnapped Marco and his family.  He asked Marco," Do you love your family?". Marco answered without a single blink of his eyelashes " Yes, I do with all my heart". And he cried thinking about the worst possible thing that may occur and that was' Killing of his family in front of his eyes'.
It was this thinking that has not even let him think about the rescue (but not all men are same).Then 'A' asked the same question to Marco's wife and she too answered with tears in the fear of same thing Marco did. Till now he wasn't noting down anything on the paper he held for a long time and then he asked the same question tothe baby who couldn't even speak. The baby wasn't crying noe did he answered anything. And 'A' noted down something. He then moved and picked up a knife and asked,"Who want to die to save the other two?"
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And there started a game of thoughts. Marco had many thoughts about the possibilities. "If my wife gets killed here at least I could save our son and I can even marry someone like her.No.. No .. what am I thinking... what will everybody say.. no. If our son gets killed then we can try for other. Shit that's so cruel .. how can I be a such a dad.. ( in between of his thoughts there rose the deeply forged goodness and the pride of man to die for his family which he has been taught for his life time as a principle of pride along with a sacrifice.) May be I should die as a man and act as a responsible person for my family." .. " Yes I will die " cried Marco. His wife too cried and said,"No I will die."
'A' thought " Is this selfish ?" Maybe yes because in the end they both were judging with the frame of what they have been taught 'good' is. They were thinking about' what will people  say if I act selfish here. At least I did die with pride'. So it was kind of selfish rather than survival. Is that because of forging of the good principles or because it was that love which has made them sacrifice for each other or it was truly a sacrifice. Yet another quest for 'A'. Then 'A' had an idea and he said ," Okay..! I will kill 2 to save one, who wants to die?" same thoughts appeared and Marco and his wife decided to die for their son which was another act in the name of good and love rather than selfish(in fact it was selfish as they both know they were going to be called 'good' after their death) And 'A' noted down a thing in the end " Survived till now for the indirect selfishness". And left all of them free.

It was hard to give a frame for this kind of judgements and there are many  such cases. Even in our own personal life, thinking about the passion,love,hate and many other feelings that urge for judgement to get relived  need a frame. Judgement is such a concept that it even doesn't prove its meaning after all. It is just one ring of framed chaos entangled to the other. Because judgement varies for person to person and then there is this unanswered question of reality- " What is a true judgement in reality despite of different perspective of people following it and what it should it truly be?"
Maybe there's no one to answer this.   


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